BBC Songs of Praise comes to Derry/Londonderry

Over five hundred singers took part in the BBC Songs of Praise’s recordings of uplifting hymns and songs in Derry/Londonderry.

The Guildhall in the city was the venue for two evenings where many church goers and choir members from across Northern Ireland came together. 

The triumphant sounds of the 19th century organ echoed throughout the hall for around three hours each evening.

Up to twenty religious worship pieces were recorded in total. 

A music producer for Songs of Praise, Charlotte Hindle said: “This is a programme for people, made by the congregations that come and sing, so we are very grateful for their participation.”

The congregation’s conductor, Dónal Doherty said it was a “pure joy to welcome Songs of Praise back to the wonderful Guildhall.”

The first recording is due to be broadcast on BBC One on Mothering Sunday. 

You can watch the action below…

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