Jake O’Kane’s ‘Cheaper Than Sitting at Home’ Delivers Cracking Night of Comedy

Belfast based comedian Jake O’Kane performed his annual stand-up show at the Marketplace Theatre in Armagh as part of the tour across Northern Ireland. In his annual show, Jake casts his critical eye over the past year in Northern Ireland with his satirical style of stand-up, creating a night not to be missed.

Jake has been doing comedy in Northern Ireland for 30 years and is well-known from his time as a panellist on BBC NI show ‘The Blame Game’ for 16 years. In other words, Jake knows what he is talking about. The first thing that catches your eye when you are seated in the auditorium is the cartoon poster promoting the show. It can become a game with your family or friends, trying to see who you can spot or what the joke is, giving you a small taste of what the evening could have in store.

The night kicks-off with Jake’s friend and brilliant warm up act Terry McHugh, who perfectly sets the tone for the main course of comedy to come. And after a short interval it was time for Jake to take to the stage. Whether you have seen Jake perform before or not, from the moment he slowly saunters onto the stage, you really don’t know what is going to come out of his mouth. And what ensues is his usual fast-paced, outrageous, no holds barred style of comedy; satirising anyone and everyone who made the headlines this year. From politicians to the Royal Family, Jake has something to say about them all, including a uniquely Northern Irish take on the Will Smith Oscar’s slap fiasco.

Jake switches effortlessly between on and off-script material, and will have you heaving with laughter from start to finish, but what really makes Jake worth seeing is the personal side to the show. After spending what feels like the perfect amount of time criticising politicians, Jake rounds off his show with hilarious stories about his personal health. Over the years these range from operations, new medication, and even near-death experiences, and you will be laughing just as much.

When Northern Ireland can often feel like a place of constant doom and gloom, you can count on Jake to see the lighter side of the year gone by. Seeing Jake is worth your time, and you will be counting down the days until next year’s tour.

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