New UUSU policy to change how Trans and Non-binary students experience uni life

Ethan Davies VP Coleraine

The Ulster University Students Union is in the process of introducing a new ‘Identity Policy.’ The policy would ensure the system allows students’ preferred names and pronouns to be officially recorded when initially registering with the university.

The policy states ‘The university’s records are not entirely reflective of the identities of all its students.’ The VP for Coleraine, Ethan Davies said, “The system has improved but there’s obviously continuous room for improvement as the idea of gender continuously evolves…”

The policy was passed in November, but work had stopped for the Christmas break. The UUSU are currently working on setting up a meeting with the head of registry to discuss the policy and their plans to implement it.

“[The policy] will give students that right of privacy with regards to their own identity [so that] they can come to university without having to worry about their previous name,” Ethan explained, “It ensures that on the system, their lecturers and friends will only know them as the name in which they identify…which will hopefully make people feel more comfortable to be themselves.”

Eli, Treasurer, LGBTQ+ Society

Eli, the Treasurer of the LGBTQ+ society in Coleraine stated, “The implementation of the Identity Policy would be of great use to many of Ulster University’s Trans and Non-binary students.” They added, “Personally, I know that as someone with a preferred name I can recognise that this follows the ethos of Ulster University…not all members of the LGBTQ+ community feel comfortable to come out at home, so this policy makes Ulster a welcoming environment to these particular students to be their truest selves.”

It is unknown when the policy will be fully implemented, but when it is, there is no doubt it will positively change how Trans and Non-binary students experience university.

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I am a second year Journalism student at Ulster University.