22 year old homeless man jailed for drug related crime

A homeless man, released on bail five times this year alone, has been sent back to prison.

Rauri Doey, 22, pleaded guilty on 12 October 2020 in North Antrim Magistrates’ Court, Ballymena, to both being in possession of controlled drugs on 31 May 2020 and causing £500 worth of damage to the door of the Lighthouse hostel, where he was residing at the time, on 8 February 2020.

Doey, from Rambler Inn Guesthouse, Church Street, Portstewart, was arrested in the Portstewart area on 31 May 2020 and was found in possession of cocaine, cannabis, zopiclone and pregablin.

Doey had been moved to the hotel in Portstewart, that was providing B&B accommodation for homeless people. This came after the closure of the hostel he was previously residing in.

Defence solicitor Garret Greene said, “Doey had long-standing difficulties regarding his mental health. He has served several months in prison already this year. He has been struggling in the community. Hostel accommodation is unsuitable for him.”

Greene explained that the accommodation Doey had been moved to “ was not suitable for someone with Mr Doey’s issues” and this is why Doey opted to remain in custody on remand.

“He needs properly supported accommodation if he is to have any opportunity to address his issues,” Greene said.

District Judge, Peter King, found Doey guilty of the two drug charges and the criminal damage to the door.

Doey was sentenced to two months in jail, however, the amount of time he spent on remand for the crimes will be deducted from the two month sentence.