Christmas Markets Bringing the Festive Spirit Back to Belfast Once Again

It has been a long drawn-out two years, but the Christmas Markets in Belfast are back and dare I say better than ever.

After Covid reared its ugly head in 2019 we lost a lot things; one of them being the Christmas markets. One look at the lengthy queue of beaming faces it is clear to be seen that the people are elated at their return.

Belfast City Hall, the host to the markets stands out from a mile away due to the bright blue lights adorning the 19th century building. The little wooden huts which decorate the grounds are home to the array of different vendors.

Walking through the gates your senses are instantly tantalised by the aroma of different foods from all around the world. From hog roast, to German foot-long hotdogs to paella to name a few, there is a savoury dish for all to enjoy. If you are more inclined to have a touch of a sweet tooth there are multiple stalls offering sweet treats. There are churros all the way from France, fudges stands’ and we cannot forget the mini- French pancakes which appeared to be a firm favourite judging by the length of their queue. As one little girl in a pink bobble hat stated, “These are the best pancakes in the world!”

The atmosphere alone is reason enough for going as people were so glad to be enjoying some form of normality once again. The people’s smiles and lively buzz were infectious despite the cold nip in the air. Christmas songs could be heard echoing from the jam-packed beer tents as they drank their flavoured beer from steins whilst singing along.

As you make your way round the different stalls you are greeted in many different languages by the cheerful stall holders. There is jewellery, hand-made soaps, hats, scarves and even rugs made from reindeer fur. One stand which appeared to be extremely popular was the caricature drawing where there were a few not so looking happy men who had obviously been dragged in by their other halves.

The Christmas markets truly bring the Christmas spirit to Belfast and they are an event not to be missed. If you weren’t feeling festive before you definitely will be after going to the markets this year!