Court hears how staff at Coleraine off license left “traumatised” by drunken man

By James Gould

On the 15 September, 34-year-old Sean Phillip Owens of Linehall Street in Ballymoney was arrested after blocking traffic while intoxicated on the Bushmills Road, Coleraine.

The court heard from the Crown Prosecution Service that police spoke to staff at an off license on the Bushmills Road. Staff said that Owens had been “verbally abusive” when they refused to serve him. The solicitor also stated how staff felt “intimidated” by his behaviour and how they were left “traumatised” by the incident.

It was alleged Owens “refused to identify himself to police” and while in the back of the police vehicle he was “shouting and screaming.” There were numerous attempts from the defendant to break out of the vehicle. The solicitor highlighted how Owens behaviour calmed on arrival to the police station and that no police officers were assaulted.

Mr Owens plead guilty to the charge of disorderly behaviour at the North Antrim Magistrates Court yesterday.

Defence solicitor John Murphy stated how his “client was drunk and cannot remember much of the incident”.

In response to District Judge Peter Kings question if Owens wished to say anything on the matter, Mr Murphy added “My client wishes to apologise for his behaviour”

It was noted that Mr Owens had no previous convictions.

Judge Peter Kings ruled that the defendant was to pay £200 fine over a period of six months. He concluded by saying to Owens “do not let this happen again.”