Court Reports

By Conchúr Richards

Drunken disorderly man halts traffic on the Bushmills Road and hassles PSNI Officers.

This behaviour unfolded when Sean Neil Philip Owens, 36 of Linenhall Street, Ballymena, Co. Antrim caused the drunken disturbance on the Bushmills Road.

The charge against Owens was disorderly behaviour at Bushmills Road, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry at 6:43pm on 15 September, 2020 to which he was pleading guilty.

The case took place at North Antrim Magistrate’s Court sitting in Ballymena on the 12 October 2021 which District Judge Peter King presiding.

Defence Solicitor Garret Greene said “My client was drunk and cannot remember much of the incident”.

The defence solicitor also stated that Owens “apologises to the police officers”.

The CPS solicitor outlined the incident by stating that when Owens was approached by PSNI officers he had “a bottle of alcohol standing in the middle of the road and stopping cars entering Bushmills Road”.

The CPS solicitor also stated that Owens “initially refused to identify himself to police and when arrested he continued to be disorderly on the way to Coleraine Police Station”.

The CPS let Judge King know that the incident “did not involve any assault” of the officers and that Owens “calmed down” at the station.

Judge King was made aware that Owens had “traumatised” and “intimidated” off license staff on Bushmills Road.

The defence reiterated that Owens wished to “apologise for his behaviour” and that there was nothing recent on Owens file and he had no previous convictions.

Judge King addressed Owens by saying “do not let this happen again”.

Owens was fined £200 and given six months to pay this off.

By Conchúr Richards

Man possessing numerous Class A, B and C drugs causes £500 of criminal damage to a local hostel.

The damage occurred when Rauri Doey, 24 of Rambler Inn Guesthouse, Church Street, Portstewart, Co. Londonderry was picked up at the Lighthouse Hostel in Ballymena.

The charges brought against Doey where possession of controlled drugs namely cannabis, cocaine, zopiclone and pregabalin on 8 February 2020 and 31 May 2020 and causing criminal damage worth £500 to a door at Lighthouse Hostel in Ballymena, Co. Antrim on 8 February 2020.

Doey was pleading guilty to both charges.

The case took place at North Antrim Magistrate’s Court sitting in Ballymena on the 12 October 2021 which District Judge Peter King presiding.

Defence solicitor John Murphy stated that Doey wished to “apologise to the court”.

The CPS solicitor stated that Doey had caused “£500 of damage to the door” and that when arrested Doey had “controlled drugs in his possession”.

The defence solicitor stated that Doey had “long-standing difficulties regarding his mental health” and that “hostel accommodation was unsuitable” for his client.

The defence also stated that Doey needs “properly supported accommodation if he is to have any opportunity to address his issues”.

Judge King sentenced Doey to imprisonment for two months on the two drugs charges and the criminal damage to the door.

The amount of time Doey spent on remand will be deducted from the two months.