The What? How? and Why? Campaign at Ulster University

At Ulster University, on the Coleraine Campus, Dr Donna Caldwell is taking part in the What? How? and Why? Campaign to promote graduate attributes and future career sustainability.

This is a campaign set up to encourage students and help them to expand on skills for life after graduation and to succeed in the world of work. The employability team aims to guide all students within Ulster University across all campuses, dedicating advisors like Dr Caldwell to specific topics. Dr Caldwell commented saying “I have been aligned to growth mindset which I am very passionate about.”


Employability and Careers HUB at Colraine Campus

In classes across campus employability advisors are “Looking at ways to inspire, encourage and fulfill the potential of soon to be graduates.”  Activities are being carried out, such as small group projects to build up teamwork and resilience, bringing forward the importance of these graduate attributes for students.

Dr. Donna Caldwell working on the campaign

There are many graduate attributes that employers look for when hiring students, such as: creative and critical thinking, teamwork, communication and professionalism. Caldwell highlights that “With the attributes it’s not one size fits all, because of so many skills that the student really needs to have to move out into the world of work”.

Colraine Campus

 There are currently five or six members of staff working on this campaign, all dedicated to the cause of helping students. Weekly social media campaigns are being posted promoting the cause and sustainability for students. Communal screens, is another way that they are getting across this information so be sure to keep an eye out around campus!

For more information on this contact the employability and careers team at: