As dusk crept over the city, thousands of people from over the world gathered at the infamous and largest Halloween festival in Europe. The persistent, haunting thuds of the parade echo throughout the streets leaving a lingering eeriness to the crowd. Excitement stole around the crowd as they waited with bated breath for the ghoulish parade to appear around the echoing street corner. “BOOM, BOOM” The drums alert the crowd of the dancing skeletons and magnificent lights hung around ominous statues that must have been 20 foot tall and 8 foot wide. The dark toned oranges, purples, greens and more blend together to create a sinister, powerful vision.

The chilling image of the dancing skeletons seemed to move as though they were puppets on the string of some higher evil. Supernatural creatures seemed to haunt the streets displaying a mysterious feel to the event. Children clutched to their parents and the ghostly reflections of bloodcurdling gory and horror was evident in their eyes. Transfixed with the menacing synchronisation of the witches, vampires and other grim creatures, adults and children alike bore witness to the ghoulish, sinister display. The soft scent of smoke machines wafted through the atmosphere created an ominous, foreboding affect.
A lady in a blood red cloak exclaimed to her friend “Wow, how did they even create that?”. Her friend glances back at the strange contraption sailing round the corner. The three bubble like features held a creepily dressed performer playing an instrument and cycling. The three ‘bubbles’ floated around each other while two cyclists below carried them. This magnificent spectacle created a magic and illusory sense to the festival and highlighted the ominous terror of the Halloween atmosphere. Even policemen hired to control the crowd were gleefully photographing the unearthly scenes.
The crowd was awash of macabre characters: vampires, ghosts and more. As far as the eye can see thousands swarm the parade which is shortly replaced with a beautiful “BANG, POP” as the dark night sky erupts in a dazzling display of eerie orange and ghostly green, casting an otherworldly glow over the Halloween festivities. Each burst of the fireworks seems to dance with shadows, as if the spirits themselves were joining in the celebration. The fireworks crackled and boomed, their explosions resembling spectral figures haunting the crisp autumn air. A symphony of lights painted the sky with vibrant, haunting colours, making the Halloween night feel ethereal and mysterious. As the fireworks lit up the darkness, they revealed fleeting glimpses of ghoulish painted faces with elated grins.

Student Journalist at UUC